Watching Out - Newsletter

November 2014

Below is a new idea of ours: sending out an E-Newsletter 'Watching Out'  to inform you of what our teams have been doing in the field, watching over the welfare of animals. This new, shorter newsletter will replace the longer versions we used to send out on a quarterly basis in InDesign pdf.

Eyes on Animals watching over the welfare of our dairy cows

The past 3 months Eyes on Animals teams have inspected over half a dozen cattle markets, a dozen farms and several cattle slaughterhouses in order to produce a report on the current situation for our dairy cattle. The results are disturbing. But we also discovered during our field work some dairy farms that are doing things well - even keeping the calves with the mothers! Eyes on Animals has published a report called "Giving Milk a Good Shake - looking at better options of producing dairy". On November 10th Tros Radar dedicated its program to our work for the dairy cows.

Click HERE to read our report "Giving Milk a Good Shake" (in English)

Click HERE to watch the Tros Radar broadcast (in Dutch)

Eyes on Animals present on the Dutch horse markets

From August until early November, EonA sent teams to oversee the yearly horse markets held throughout the Netherlands:

Bemmel, Elst, RodenZuidlaren and Hedel (click on the links to read the reports). 

Our teams get there late at night to watch the first animals being unloaded, spend the whole night and following day inspecting the horses and their treatment, and report on any violations. We are usually there when no authority has yet arrived, and stay after they are gone. We again made sure water and feed was available, and better methods of tying up the animals in place. This year we even managed to get the authorities to finally enforce the rule forbidding horses with docked tails from being accepted, with several horses even removed from the market. Only this way will the vicious circle of horses still having their tails docked be stopped!

Eyes on Animals inspected and gave advice to 6 more slaughterhouses in Turkey

In October we sent two teams to Turkey for 10 days. One to check on livestock trucks crossing the EU/Turkey border. And the other one inspecting and giving practical recommendations to 6 cattle and sheep slaughterhouses in Turkey. We were accompanied by an official veterinarian from Germany and expert in humane treatment of animals during slaughter. Conditions in the Turkish slaughterhouses were poor but the people were again open to our recommendations and made certain changes while we were there. Being in direct dialogue, spreading knowledge and giving practical advice is what it takes to make real changes inside that can result in less suffering. As long as slaughterhouses exist, this is the least we can do! This type of field-work is absolutely vital.

Click HERE to read our inspections at the slaughterhouses.

We also held a 2-day seminar afterwards on 'How to Reduce Suffering During Slaughter'. We wrote about it already in our GoodNewsletter, but in case you missed it, you can read about it HERE

Eyes on Animals helping animals in slaughterhouses in the Netherlands

We were also busy visiting 4 large pig and cattle slaughterhouses in the Netherlands and getting improvements in place there. The Eyes on Animals team was accompanied by a researcher from Wageningen University, who asked to join us to help give advice to the plants. We also met with a large company that produces slaughter equipment to give them advice.

Please click the links to read more about our inspections and meetings:

Visit pig slaughterhouse Vion in Groenlo

Inspection and meeting Compaxo pig slaughterhouse

Meeting with owners Westfort pig slaughterhouse

Visit cattle slaughterhouse Vion in Tilburg

Meeting with slaughter equipment company MPS

Thank you for your support! 

Without your help we would not be able to help the animals

We welcome any donations to enable us to continue our work

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